I stumbled on to Kathalaya, an NGO based out of Bangalore, in early 2006. I was amazed at their efforts in keeping the spirit of story-telling alive in India. In early 2007 I had designed a website for Kathalaya and have been maintaining the site since then. Needless to say, I feel nice that I am able to at least contribute something to this wonderful group led by Geeta Ramanujam, which is trying to keep the tradition of story-telling alive.

It has been almost 5 years since the earlier design. I felt that the site badly needed a revamp with lesser content but a better layout. Last 3 weeks have been very hectic as I was building a quant model from scratch. As often is the case, the initial steps of any model are crucial and time consuming. So, didn’t do ANYTHING besides quant work, which was kind of overwhelming. I had to take a break for at least a couple of days so that I can rethink the model from a fresh perspective. The revamp of Kathalaya website was on my mind for quite some time. So, decided to spend a weekend in bringing out this new version.

When I began doing the work, I thought I will just put a night out and host it . Like many things in my life, things take more time to pan out than planned for ( if at all they do pan out ) . So, after a marathon lasting 20 hrs. of web designing, the new version of the site is up and running. I‘m feeling good that my web designing skills are not too rusty as I had assumed to be…

Here is the previous version that I had designed in 2007 :


Here is the result of a weekend immersed in web designing :


Less cluttered and a minimalist look.
