It’s a small world. I was talking to one of my colleagues about Kathalaya and he mentioned that his sister had attended some workshop at Kathalaya. At the same time, he mentioned about another NGO that badly needed a web presence. So, I just took some time out this week and designed a preliminary site for the NGO.

The NGO goes by the name North Bengal Council for the Disabled ( NBCD) and Prerana is one such initiative under NBCD.  They run a school for the blind at Siliguri, near Calcutta. Made a basic version of the website and I hope to change the design after 10-12 months of web presence. These 10-12 months would also help the NGO put in appropriate content/videos/images for the relevant pages.


Now this is another site, besides Kathalaya, that I have to maintain. I just hope that I will be able to take out a few hours on a weekly basis, to make updates to both these sites.