Had a chance to attend Crypt Asia 2023 held at Singapore. Here are some random set of notes from the event

Signs of Spring

  • Need for importance of self-regulation
  • Coinhako
    • No lending
    • No margin trading
    • Greater clarity on regulation needed
  • Custodian
    • Segregate wallets
    • See the transactions on the chain
    • It is an opportunity as self regulation might not be enough
  • Coinbase will have a single entity responding to US regulators and most of the business will come from other regions
  • Regulators are going after money crypto while tech crypto is suffering because it is also getting tagged along
    • Shrinking of Binance and Coinbase platforms in US
    • Lot of technology is being built by US tech folks - What will happen to the job market ?
    • Can one side be allowed to thrive without dependency on money crypto ?
  • Regulating operational risk instead of going behind entities
  • Regulating technology is futile as the tech is changing at a rapid pace that keeps regulators
    • Regulating at contract level is difficult
  • Coinhako head of institutional trading
    • private banker from Credit Suisse
  • Prospect of things happening offchain is happening onchain
    • Onchain infra - DeFi is a tough game to figure out
    • Ability to UX for people to start
    • Consensys - Fiat On Ramp in Crypto
    • Alpha Impact - Copy trading
  • How do we get institutional money onboard ?
  • Consensys: Metamask
    • Infrastructure related Blockchain software will see innovation in the years to come
    • Social recovery
    • Building metamask that has everything that you need without the need for
    • Indian payment network in to Metamask
    • Moving assets from one Blockchain to another
  • Alpha Impact
    • Buying for long term

Web3 gaming

  • Create game that can attract users every day
  • Change the player experience via Blockchain
    • What does Blockchain bring to the table ?
      • Interoperability
      • True ownership
        • You own the characters and the tokens
    • Ownership is the defining characteristic of web3 gaming
    • Transparency is another transformative feature of web3 gaming
  • Pixelmon
    • Gamification of finance vs. Use of Blockchain to gaming
    • True wave that brings in non-speculators comes from Blockchain application in gaming
      • Traditional measures of gaming - How does one use Blockchain ?
    • Earning by improving the ecosystem for other players
      • Not an ecosystem to be present there
    • Developer driven rather than Product driven industry
    • Developers want to build everything from scratch. Natural inclination is to build everything from scratch. Product focused people will focus on what to buy and what to build
    • Challenges for web 3 gaming
      • Image problem - Stigma attached to web3 gaming. VCs are shying away from Web 3.0 gaming
      • User funnel - Currently onboarding process to a web3 gaming is about 30 minutes
        • Easy onboarding
        • Earn the right to bore the user
        • Lot of games are putting Web 3.0 onboarding after playing the game
  • Ethlas
    • Web 3.0 in its current form does not attract real gamers
    • Introduce fun games and make sure fun
    • Show up and I will pay you - Current structure unsustainable
    • There aren’t enough road builders in this space
      • BOT solution - SDK for protecting attacks
    • Games are using the Layer 1 and building solutions on Layer 2
    • Is there a unit economy ? There are buyers and sellers
    • Game builders do not get paid for their content and effort
    • Lot of treasury wallets are getting hacked
    • Alios labs is a company that offers wallet protection
    • Need for security layer
    • Acquisition is a challenge. Web 3.0 has no part here. Really bad roads for Web 3.0 gaming. There is no good security solution for Web 3.0 gaming
    • Lot of big studios are coming in.
    • No body wants to play on Mobile - This was the initial feeling. But now 50 pct of gaming is taking place on mobile
    • Fun experiences and security features in Web 3.0 space
  • Play to Earn vs Play to Own
    • Show up and I will pay you - Play to Earn
    • Current trending terminology is Play to Own
      • When obtaining the assets, the player has a claim of ownership on the digital IP
      • Earning comes from a new player’s need for what the other person has
      • Develop a character and sell the character
        • Makes sense
        • It has a platform
      • Minecraft: People develop spaces on servers that others can use
      • People could own the space and then you can micro leverage on the space based on the usage of other game players
  • ABCA
    • Web 3.0 is a 2 or 3 year industry. For the builders, there is a knowledge gap in terms of what the gamers really want.
    • Knowledge gap for builders coming in to Web 3.0 space directly
  • 70-80 million USD worth Web 3.0 gaming will hit on consoles
  • Majority of the gamers do not even have to know about Web 3.0 gaming
  • Most Web 3.0 gaming companies are not making money.

PurpleFi - Alex Goldsmith

  • London, Dubai and Vietnam based company launched a year ago
  • Tokenizing the world
  • Save invest and borrow for as little as 10 usd
  • Investible opportunities for as little as 10 usd
  • Invested in tokenized assets Real estate, shares and luxury goods
  • Workflow
    • Proposal submission
    • Reviews the proposal
    • User pledge crypto to achieve asset price
    • Acquisition begins price target price
    • Ownership tokens are issued to the fractional owners
    • Assets will be maintained by a third party custodian
  • Curation done inhouse
  • $PURP token - utility token to navigate across ecosystem
    • rewards users for staking it

Redefining Crypto Finance with Speed, Security & Innovation

  • coinstore.com

Web3 Mass Adoption: Challenges and Opportunities


  • Scalability
    • How many chains have achieved more than 1 million active users ?
      • 6 L1 chains
    • Asset peak 20 million transactions per day
    • >500k Daily active users
      • Which chain should you use?
    • Game focused optimistic roll up
  • UX
    • Not only end user experience but also developer user experience
    • coinbase blog - simple guide to the web3 developer stack
    • Onboarding
      • Social Login (MPC/TSS) - Particle Web3Auth
      • Namespaces/Identity - Domain Name and Decentralized identity
    • Blockchain connectivity
      • Account abstraction
      • Blockchain interactions
  • Data Economy
    • Most of the people are focusing on tokens but read-write-own data
    • a16zcrypto - state of crypto report in 2022
    • permformant, convenient and friendly decentralized storage
    • Data-focused smart contract synergy
    • Filecoin came up with their own VM
    • Greenfield - Arweave
    • Personal Data Market - Social media - publishing - Personal Data storage
  • Web2 to Web3 transformation

DeFi Lending & Leveraged Investing in Crypto

  • Stablecoins, DEX, Lending and Borrowing, Insurance and Margin Trading
    • Do not disclose the holdings and hence the stablecoin might not be as stable as portrayed
  • DeFi Lending and Borrowing: No maturity of payment, leveraged lending, overcollaterization and flash loans
  • Do HFT traders use flash loans ? If so, what is the way they do that ?
  • Post margin based on a specific token and use the capital to trade other tokens

Institutional Adoption of Crypto

  • AWS supports Layer 1, Layer 2 and Layer 3
  • Exchanges, Web3 infra, NFTs and Gamefi, DeFi and CeFI, Developer tools and Metaverse
  • Use cases
    • 1inch Network is a DEX aggregator that aims to solve the liquidity problem of Blockchain
    • Ava Labs
    • Coinbase
      • ML for image analysis that recognizes mismatches and anomalies in sources of user indentification
    • Chainstack
    • Crypto.com
    • Amberdata
      • provides market data and insights
    • Coinhako
    • ADDX
  • Top Web 3.0 use cases
    • Hosting a Blockchain node on AWS
    • Securing Blockchain key management with AWS Nitro Enclaves
    • Indexing, managing and processing large volumes of data securely
    • spin up full nodes on public and testnet as a managed service offering
    • Create, maintain and secure APIs at scale

Role of Crypto Payment Systems in Global Tourism

  • 6.3 million tourists in 2022 - 1/3 of the number in 2019, before international travel came to a halt in 220 due to the Covid-19 pandemic
  • Tourists receipts 13.8 billion - 50 pct of 2019 levels
  • Total contribution to travel and tourism to the global economy in 2022 was 5.81T usd
  • Global leisure travel spend was 2.1T usd
  • Problem facing travel agents
    • Transfer times
    • Bank fees
    • Unfair exchange rates
    • Delays and Lost money
  • Onyx Arches Payment gateway
    • Instant transfers globally
    • No Fees
    • Market Rate and Exchange Rates
    • Never been more secure and transparent
  • Launched OXA token
    • Want to give the same power to consumer as a travel agent
  • If you use this token, you get the same rates as a travel agent
  • Marriott hotel discounts rates for travel agencies

The Power of Collective Wisdom: Copy-Trading and Social Trading Communities

  • Trade exchange feature
    • Fastest growing crypto exchange since 2017
    • 9 million users worldwide
    • 6 million active users
    • 15 billion usd trading volume with in 24 hours
    • 1000+ listed tokens
    • 1200+ pairs
    • 8100 busd quarterly volume
  • Features
    • Perpetual futures
    • Swap trading
    • TF trading
    • CoinW earn
    • Off the counter trading
    • Fansup
    • Copy trading
    • Grid trading strategy
    • CoinW App Community
    • COINS
  • Evolution of copy trading
    • Early adoption
    • Tech advancements
    • Expansion to crypto currency
    • Social trading communities
    • Enhanced customization and risk management

The Next Frontier of Asset Tokenisation

  • Julian Kwan ( Investa X and IX Swap)
    • Big companies are building asset tokenization doing by themselves
    • Other companies can use asset tokenization software from Investa X products
    • Began in 2018 - ICO’s poorly executed
    • SCO’s did not work
    • 2018 - First infrastructure using token issuance companies. They missed broker dealer licenses, custodian services etc
    • 2020 - First security exchange token coming up
    • Industry is 4 years old - Very different type of assets issued
    • Licensed venues and infra to trade tokens
    • People don’t care about protocols. All they care about is whether they can trade the tokens in a secured environment
    • All the players need to be licensed. Most people are doing this in private blockchains
    • Focus on fees is wildly out of proportion of what people are really looking for
    • Firms have licenses to issue a asset tokenization that can be subscribed across the world
    • Looked at 3000 STOs and worked upon 6. Worked with UBS and other private equity companies as they feel comfortable issuing assets via tokenization route
    • Each stock, bond in the future will be traded on dexes.
    • Tokenizing carbon funds, thematic products
    • Future for raising money for startups will be a combination of traditional startups + what we learned in the ICO phase
      • Startups need a nice community. Do you want a million dollars from one VC or a a few hundred dollars from thousands of the community members ?
    • Investa X has tons of material to know about asset tokenization
    • You will never learn everything unless there is a skin in the game
    • You should go and buy something or sell something. Sitting on sidelines will not help you
  • Peter Sumer (BitMarkets)
    • There is a requirement for Blockchain to be more developed to handle more transactions

Crypto Accounting - HQ.xyz

  • Chart of Account
  • Categories
  • Cost-basis point
  • Type of activity
  • Source of Data
  • On-chain blockchain ledger to financial statements
  • Accounting for digital assets should not be a hassle
  • HQ.xyz - goodbye to spread sheets
    • Toggle between multiple Blockchains
    • Across wallets
    • Assign to chart of account
  • Sharon Lourdes, CEO

AI, Blockchain, and the Metaverse: Challenges and Synergies(Dr. Jianing Yu)

  • AIGC(AI Generalized Capabilities) boosts efficiency, while Blockchain ensures fairness
  • Sam Altman started another project called Worldcoin, with the objective of leveraging Blockchain to create a equitable financial system
  • UBI is a social welfare proposal which all citizens of a given population regularly receive a guaranteed income in the form of unconditional transfer payment
  • Web 3
    • Internet of Value
    • What can we own ?
      • Identity, Data, Asset, Platform, Protocol
  • The basic business model of metaverse changes from traffic economy to value exchange, and token replaces traffic as the basic element of the Internet
  • All content will be priced and only the content that someone buys will be meaningful
  • main usage scenarios for crypto assets will be in transactions between AI, as well as AI-human transactions
  • uweb.ai
  • Innovation in infrastructure drives the emerging
  • Four inflows of the next wave
    • Fund
    • Talent
    • User
    • Technology

The next era for Crypto, AI and Blockchain


  • Wilson Chye Director & Secretariat Asia Blockchain Association (ABA)
  • Jianing Yu icon UWEB Limited
  • Amjadā€™ur Rahman CEO Onyx Arches
  • Suleman Kazim CEO
  • Alex Teo - Chief Operating Office- Headquarters (HQ.xyz)


  • Difficult to differentiate between a rug pool and a genuine service
  • There will a lot of companies that will set up in the Asian region
  • Next year - BTC halving event - can trigger a bull market
  • All tokens should be attached to something substantial - something physical.
  • Mining has stopped for many coins. Will it start ?
  • Ethereum mining - What’s happening in this area ? Why are speakers saying that mining has stopped ?
    • Mining is not profitable now - Why ?
  • Are we creating centralization again ?
  • Self custody applies to only a certain percentage of crypto users.
  • New legislation for HK
  • Crypto assets will be more valuable than the current money infra because the former is programmable

The Institutionalisation of Blockchain Staking


  • Anndy Lian Advisor Intergovernmental Blockchain
  • Anuj Shankar Anuj Shankar CEO Luganodes
    • Swiss operated non-custodial staking
  • Igneus Terrenus Head of Communications & Business Development Mantle Network
  • Chen Zhuling CEO and Founder RockX
    • RockX - Working on helping devs and firms for the 4 years
  • Ken Nizam Founder & CEO AsiaTokenFund Group


  • Anuj
    • Risk management starts with the due diligence of the network such as security, governance
    • Diversification when it comes to multiple staking providers.
    • Regulatory Compliance
    • Traditional banking firms are also showing interest in staking eco system
  • Ken Nizam
    • What are the risks in terms of staking ?
      • What is the crypto volatility ?
      • Network stable
      • Platform security
    • When you stake, you are reducing the supply and you are making the tokens becoming more valuable ?
    • Mitigate risk
      • Custodian service - layer of protection for crypto
        • Newer HNW coming in through the route and hence having custodian service is good
      • Some insurance for staking is needed.
    • sense of security is paramount for institutional investors
  • Chen
    • If you are looking at staking, then the yield is like a bond on the network
      • Do you believe in the network ?
      • How robust is the network ?
    • You need to really understand who is holding the principal. Are they trustworthy ? Are you doing in a self-custodial way ?
    • Who manages the reward for you ?
    • Diversification is important.
    • Staking is not a new concept. It is a new type of mining mechanism in the Proof of Work area
    • From an institutional perspective, a lot of public listed companies are getting in to mining
    • Staking is another kind of fixed income asset on the network
    • We are getting in to era - validating the validators
    • If you are staking - you are securing the network. Staking signals that the network is stable
    • The ease of using the technology is important
    • Institutions need less of incentives and more of assurance
    • Staking technology did not fail last year. Staking is the fundamental mechanism
  • Igneus
    • The next area of focus would derivativefi. You can use derivatives for gas in a larger eco system.
    • This area will grow a lot in the future.
    • KYC model for liquid staking

Enterprise Adoption of Blockchain Via Low-Code, Interoperable Networks


  • Pradeep Goel Founder & CEO Solve.Care


  • Health care spending is about 15 million dollars a minute.
  • 8T per year is spent by Healthcare
  • Enterprise criteria for adoption
    • Compliance
    • Cost
    • Time to market
    • Adoption
    • Data and Consent
    • ROI
  • Single largest economy where there is no Blockchain application
  • Three reasons why Blockchain is not being utilized
    • Build a solution in healthcare and get it through compliance and regulation
    • Think of grandma using Blockchain
  • Three fundamental issues in healthcare that needs fix
    • Identity
    • Data security, consent and compliance management issues
    • Roles, relationships and event management
  • Blockchain application in healthcare
    • Access interface to Wallet
    • Payments
  • Sometimes we pay more to pay the money
  • 20 min - 300 million usd would have been spent on healthcare
  • 200 bln a day spent by healthcare
  • care.wallet
    • digital assets
    • payment assets
    • identity assets
    • Based on the
  • as long as doctor is willing to do a handshake by wallet, then there is a way to transact records
  • Create an open chain
  • How does one company solve global health issues ?
    • Care.Wallet
    • Care.Cards
    • Care.Node
    • Care.Protocol
    • Care Network
  • 90 pct of healthcare will move out of the hospital. Healthcare should be where the patient is.
  • Solve.Care - 100+ employees - aa locations
  • Learn to build solutions on chain
  • This company has built a network and relevant protocols

Book Flight & Experience the fun of gamfiled flights


  • Jaiana Cuttari CEO Satoshi Airline


  • Travel booking with crypto
  • Easy to use - fly to earn program
  • Buy travel reward NFTs
  • Biz model is on rewards program
  • Control nodes at different locations
  • Traction based on twitter and discord metrics
  • Flight booked worldwide - 3.5b usd
  • Budget and Crypto Markets - 1b usd
  • Features
    • OTA booking engine
    • Crypto payment
    • Fly to earn
    • Travel to earn
    • Web3
    • NFT game
    • Crypto travel insurance
    • Staking
  • SAT Token
  • Rent out Rewards NFT to your friend and you can earn travel points .
  • NFT Airport Node system

The Power of the Crypto Community


  • Sebastian Zilliacus Managing Director EMURGO Media


  • Human evolution
    • Prehistoric humans
    • Web2 Humans(Me/I) Individual important
    • Web3 Humans(We/Us) Community important
  • Identity approach
    • Web2.0 individualism
      • Only if you have a ton of followers,you can make an impact
      • Fragmented identity
      • Value is locked in the platform
      • Measured by engagement generated
      • Using “I”
      • Personal brand is built of your own word
      • No ownership and its not composable
    • Web 3 - Post - Individualism
      • Diversity - Intersectionality - Minds accomplishments and choices - Ownership - Shared identities and values - Using We/Us
    • Do we shape our online personas based on our identities or we shape our identities based on online personas
  • Start building community before you start your project
  • Social coordination is as important as tech work
  • Expectations from project owner
    • Provide feedback
    • Support in scaling
    • Advocate for a project
  • Expectations from community
    • Involvement
    • Decision power
    • Rewards
    • Mutual Ownership
      • DAO structure
      • Governance tokens
  • Salesforce, Atlassian, Github - Community lead development
  • Web3 - Community owned development via DAOs or governance token
  • As of Feb 2023, there are ~8500 crypto currencies
  • Case studies
    • Empowa - Unlocking Affordable climate-smart housing opportunity
      • Use Blockchain and NFT that global markets could buy and lend it to Mozambizue
      • 10k USD per house funding
      • People who have access to home loan is 3 pct - That changed to 60 pct
      • Community helped to grow the home loan market
      • Community enabled them to build 4 pilot houses through funding of NFTs
    • World Mobile
      • Aim to bring identity and connectivity
      • 3 billion people not connected- reason is that telecom companies do not find it profitable to extend connection to the last mile
      • Many people in Africa do not have identity documents
      • Providing digital identity to all Cardano’s users
      • Local business owners could operate affordable nodes that connects local communities in rural areas
      • Focus on Tanzania
      • Delivered wireless networks using renewable energies
      • Mesh network partner with local telecom companies
      • Fishermen have access to digital identity, financial access and mobile connectivity
    • So many events in many networks that it is difficult to figure out what is happening with the communities
    • Cardano spot - social enthusiasts in Cardano ecosystem
      • To empower and connect Cardano enthusiasts to do things together