Well, the purpose of this script is very simple

I have a n by p matrix which alterate says that they are dependent and null says that the p dim are independent

> set.seed(1977)
> library(mnormt)
> sample.mean <- c(1, 1)
> sample.cov <- matrix(c(1, 0.5, 0.5, 1), nrow = 2)
> n <- 1000
> x <- rmnorm(n, mean = sample.mean, varcov = sample.cov)
> test.cov <- cov(x)
> y <- diag(2)
> diag(y) <- 1/diag(test.cov)
> test.stat <- det(sqrt(y) %*% test.cov %*% sqrt(y))
> test.stat <- -n * log(test.stat)
> p <- 2
> qchisq(0.95, p * (p - 1)/2)
[1] 3.841459
> test.stat
[1] 325.0098

Obviously the test.stat is outside the Null region and independence is rejected

> set.seed(1977)
> library(mnormt)
> sample.mean <- c(1, 1)
> sample.cov <- matrix(c(1, -0.005, -0.005, 1), nrow = 2)
> n <- 1000
> x <- rmnorm(n, mean = sample.mean, varcov = sample.cov)
> test.cov <- cov(x)
> y <- diag(2)
> diag(y) <- 1/diag(test.cov)
> test.stat <- det(sqrt(y) %*% test.cov %*% sqrt(y))
> test.stat <- -n * log(test.stat)
> p <- 2
> qchisq(0.95, p * (p - 1)/2)
[1] 3.841459
> test.stat
[1] 0.3620388

Obviously the test.stat is well with in the Null region and independence is not rejected

Let me try with NIFTY and GOLD as assets and check for the independence

> set.seed(1977)
> x <- coredata(temp.ret[, 1:2])
> n <- dim(x)[1]
> test.cov <- cov(x)
> y <- diag(2)
> diag(y) <- 1/diag(test.cov)
> test.stat <- det(sqrt(y) %*% test.cov %*% sqrt(y))
> test.stat <- -n * log(test.stat)
> p <- 2
> qchisq(0.95, p * (p - 1)/2)
[1] 3.841459
> test.stat
[1] 1.176335

Clearly it is in the acceptance region in the recent 300 days of data

> set.seed(1977)
> x <- coredata(temp.ret[1200:1500, 1:2])
> n <- dim(x)[1]
> test.cov <- cov(x)
> y <- diag(2)
> diag(y) <- 1/diag(test.cov)
> test.stat <- det(sqrt(y) %*% test.cov %*% sqrt(y))
> test.stat <- -n * log(test.stat)
> p <- 2
> qchisq(0.95, p * (p - 1)/2)
[1] 3.841459
> test.stat
[1] 9.415422e-05

Clearly it is in the acceptance region in the recent 300 days of data