Purpose - Johnson Inference of Means
Again, consider the monthly log returns of the CRSP ten decile indices from January 2000 to December 2009. (a) Construct a T2-chart for the returns and

> folder <- "C:/Cauldron/Books/Statistics/Multivariate/TSAY/"
> x <- read.table(paste(folder, "m-dec0009.txt", sep = ""), header = T)
> x <- x[, -1]
> x <- log(1 + x)
> mu <- colMeans(x)
> S <- cov(x)
> S.inv <- solve(S)
> n <- dim(x)[1]
> mdist <- apply(x, 1, function(temp) t(temp - mu) %*% S.inv %*%
+     (temp - mu))
> plot(1:n, mdist, type = "l", lwd = 2, col = "blue")
> abline(h = qchisq(0.95, 10))


(b) construct a T2-chart for future observations, starting with t = 60. Can one identify volatility periods using the control charts? Why?

> m <- 59
> n <- dim(x)[1]
> y <- x[1:59, ]
> z <- x[60:n, ]
> p <- 10
> mu <- colMeans(y)
> S <- cov(y)
> S.inv <- solve(S)
> n1 <- dim(z)[1]
> mdist <- apply(z, 1, function(temp) t(temp - mu) %*% S.inv %*%
+     (temp - mu))
> plot(60:n, mdist, type = "l", lwd = 2, col = "blue")
> ucl <- (n1 - 1) * p * qf(0.95, p, n1 - p)/(n1 - p)
> abline(h = ucl)