1. Read this on stackoverflow - http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3819917/single-py-file-for-convert-rst-to-html
  2. Installed docutils http://docutils.sourceforge.net/README.html#quick-start
  3. Downloaded docutils http://docutils.sourceforge.net/docs/user/tools.html#rst2html-py
  4. The HTML produced was not really good
  5. So, installed Sphinx -  But then realized it is necessary for documentation
  6. http://tinkerer.bitbucket.org/ – GAVE UP
  7. Checked using Rnw for Python code – gave up
  8. Planning to use dexy –lets see where it goes
  9. Configured Pydev in Eclipse
  10. Finally stumbled on to dexy and will try to use it for everything from now on