1. Larry
  2. Pandas
  3. NumPy
  4. SciPy
  5. Matplotlib
  6. xlrd – to read excel files
  7. Cython C and Python
  8. IPython – interactive Python
  9. PyMC – Bayes
  10. PyMix – Mixture models
  11. scikits - Statistical and scientific computing packages
  12. statsmodels – GLM
  13. python-statlibA fairly recent effort which combined a number of scattered statistics libraries.Useful for basic and descriptive statistics if you’re not using NumPy or pandas.
  14. PyTables
  15. PyQt
  16. TreeDict
  17. Sage
  18. scikits.statsmodels
  19. scikits.timeseries
  20. Tabular
  21. la (larry: labeled array object)