> setwd("C:/Cauldron/garage/Volatility/Learn/DeliberatePractice/Ahas")

Learning mapply
For some reason , through out my code, I had conveniently forgotten mappy and was complicating things unnecessary.

Here is my old code for Problem-6.5 from Yudi Pawitan’s book.

> y <- as.numeric(strsplit("8.85 9.40 9.18 8.70 7.53 6.43 5.85 4.73 3.98 3.50 3.10 2.80",
     " ")[[1]])
> x <- seq(0, 110, 10)
> x <- x - mean(x)
> X <- cbind(1, x)
> lhd <- function(params) {
     beta0 <- params[1]
     beta1 <- params[2]
     sig2 <- params[3]
     mu <- beta0/(1 + exp(-beta1 * x))
     ll <- -n/2 * log(sig2) - 1/(2 * sig2) * sum((y - mu)^2)
> fit <- nlm(lhd, c(0.5, 2, 0.5), hessian = TRUE)
> betas <- fit$est[1:2]
> H <- fit$hessian
> se <- sqrt(diag(solve(H)))
> mu <- betas[1]/(1 + exp(-betas[2] * x))
> lhd <- function(params, beta1) {
     beta0 <- params[1]
     sig2 <- params[2]
     mu <- beta0/(1 + exp(-beta1 * x))
     ll <- -n/2 * log(sig2) - 1/(2 * sig2) * sum((y - mu)^2)
> betas1 <- seq(-0.1, 0, length = 100)
> est <- sapply(betas1, function(b1) {
     nlm(lhd, c(12, 0.1), beta1 = b1, hessian = TRUE)$est
> est <- t(est)
> ll <- apply(cbind(est, betas1), 1, function(z) {
     lhd(z[1:2], z[3])
> ll <- exp(min(ll) - ll)
> residuals <- mu - x

Here is my new code for Problem-6.5 from Yudi Pawitan’s book.

> betas1 <- seq(-0.1, 0, length = 100)
> est <- sapply(betas1, function(b1) {
     nlm(lhd, c(12, 0.1), beta1 = b1, hessian = TRUE)$est
> est <- t(est)
> ll <- mapply(lhd, est, betas1)
> ll <- exp(min(ll) - ll)
> residuals <- mu - x

The difference is one line of statement

> ll <- apply(cbind(est, betas1), 1, function(z) {
     lhd(z[1:2], z[3])
> ll <- mapply(lhd, est, betas1)

Instead of cbinding the columns and passing them to a function, I can use mappy and instantly vectorize