The following are the lessons that I have learnt from Shiny Part 2 webinar

  • Good example of Reactivity is Excel document
  • Reactive values always go with reactive function
  • renderPlot is a reactive function
  • reactiveValues notify all the reactiveFunctions that use those values
  • The things that depend on reactiveFunctions change
  • renderDataTable() An interactive table
  • renderImage() An image (saved as a link to a source file)
  • renderPlot() A plot
  • renderPrint() A code block of printed output
  • renderTable() A table
  • renderText() A character string
  • renderUI() a Shiny UI element
  • reactive() – Builds a reactive object
  • Each reactive object can be accessed via reactiveobject()
  • ReactiveExpressions cache their values
  • isolate() to make nonreactive objects
  • observeEvent() does things on the serverside
  • Specify which of the values invalidate the observer
  • observe() tracks every reactive value in the code
  • eventReactive - A reactive expression that only responds to specific values
  • Use eventReactive() to delay reactions
  • reactiveValues()Creates a list of reactive values to manipulate programmatically