
The title of the book is completely misleading. It has no specific strategies mentioned at all. This book in that sense has a completely bogus title probably meant to deceive people.

It merely lists the advantages of owning an ETF over an index fund / active managed fund. It then goes on to list a variety of ETFs and traces their evolution in a few sentences. You can get this knowledge by merely looking up on the web for a few minutes about the various ETFs that are available for an investor.  One does not even get an idea about some basic metrics relating to the ETF Space. 

A 10 minute search on the net will give you a lot of metrics and news related to ETF space than this ~$20 book.

In any case, here are some sample numbers that will make anyone watch this space closely in the times to come.

  • AUM for the ETF industry as on Mar 2010 – $ 1.1 T / #2200 funds considering that they were introduced only in 1990s

  • US - $ 790B / #925 funds ( Most are Physical replication products)

  • Europe - $ 230B / #1000 funds ( Most are Synthetic replication products)

  • Asia Pacific ETF AUM - $67B /#232 funds

  • Asia Pacific Region – $58B is in equity ETFs and $9B is in Bond ETFs

  • Indian ETF Space AUM – $520 M
