Had a chance to attend an event “Data for Breakfast” organized by Snowflake SG. Here are some notes from the event

Address by Mike Scarpeli CFO Snowflake

  • Data sharing
  • 9500 customers
  • 2400 listings on marketplace
  • 461 - $1M customers
  • ASEAN - 130 customers
  • 9437 customers in Q4 FY2024
  • 691 customers Fortune 200
  • 7000 FTE
  • Pricing gets cheaper as time goes
  • Workloads
    • AI/ML
    • Applications
    • Cybersecurity
    • Data Engineering
    • Datawarehouse
    • Datalake
    • Unistore

Build a Data Foundation with the Snowflake Data Cloud

  • There is no AI strategy without a data strategy
  • Simplify your data foundation : 5 design principles for your data foundation
    • Endless silos to Unified data
    • Multiple products and services for different workloads to One platform all workloads
      • Snowpark
      • Data Lake
      • Data Lakehouse
      • Data warehouse
      • Date Mesh / Fabric
      • Average daily queries - 3.9 B
    • Piecemeal policies to Universal governance
      • Compliance
      • Security
      • Privacy
      • Access
      • Interoperability
    • Hidden costs to Optimal TCO
    • Limited to internal data only to 360 view with external data, data collaboration and data monetization
    • More than 2000 dataset, models, Snowflake native apps
    • More than 530 Providers on the marketplace
  • Accelerate AI
    • Long cycles + AI limited to experts to AI in seconds, easy for everyone
      • Single platform for end to end ML
      • Notebooks
      • Feature store
      • Snowpark ML Modeling
      • Snowpark Model Registry
      • Streamlit in Snowflake
    • Platform Overview
      • Use AI in seconds
        • Document AI
        • Universal Search
        • Snowflake Copilot
      • Apps in Minutes
        • Streamlit
      • Fully Custom in hours
        • Custom UI
        • Custom Orchestration
    • Snowflake Cortex: Models and Search
      • Use complete, embed, vector search and more
      • Serverless AI and LLM functions
    • Snowflake container services
      • Bring your own OSS LLMs
      • Make it your own Fine tuning
      • Use Marketplace - Partner LLMs
      • CSP LLMs
      • Azure OpenAI
      • AWS Bedrock
    • Snowflake - Governed Data and Models
    • Time and resources on managing infrastructure to Build custom AI apps in minutes
    • Experiments mean moving data, leading to risk to AI/ML on enterprise data within Snowflake’s security boundary
  • Scale with applications
    • Architectural Complexity to Build any app with ease
    • Unpredictable operational burden to Efficient scaling, given apps are the future consumption layer
    • Limited distribution to Secure, global deployment to run apps where data already is
    • Faster time to market + Lower TCO
  • Customers
    • StateStreet full application on Snowflake
  • Demo
    • Address customer calls in near real-time and refresh the data every minute with Dynamic tables
    • Leverage Snowflake Cortex for Generative AI
    • Build an Streamlit app
  • Snowflake notebooks in Private Preview
    • Notebook support using Snowpark
  • Snowflake Cortex
    • LLMs as a managed Service
    • Functions given to call various LLMs
      • snowflake.cortex.sentiment
  • Snowpipe streaming
    • Dynamic tables where sentiment processing is done real time
    • DYNAMIC TABLE construct to create dynamic tables
    • UI to create all the connections with Dynamic tables in Snowsight UI
  • Streamlit app
    • Embed streamlit apps in the platform
    • Managed hosting of an app
    • No need to separately host this app on AWS
      • Share with in the Snowflake platform
    • Have built some forecast function

Build the future of insights and AI with Snowflake and AWS

  • Laying the foundation of the “insights driven” organization in an AI powered world
    • By 2026, global spending on AI will reach 300 billion usd growing 4.2 times faster than average IT spend
    • AI across several business units
    • Enhance customer experiences
    • Boost employee productivity
    • Optimize business processes
    • Your data is the differentiator
  • How can AWS and Snowflake power your Modern Data platform journey
  • Join Customer case study - Human managed
    • AI powered data platform based out of SG
    • AI-powered data platform for businesses to make smarter and faster decisions for cyber, digital and risk outcomes
      • Collect, process and store data from any source
      • Apply conditions, rules and models for use cases
      • Deliver intelligence, decisions and actions
      • Operationalize intel and improve models

Partners mentioned during the event

  • cloudmile
    • system integrator based in Taiwan, HK, Vietnam, Malaysia, Singapore, Indonesia and Phillipines
  • blazeclan
  • black diamond
  • braze
  • cloudvalley
  • fivetran
  • dbtlabs
  • izeno

Snowflake Genius bar demo

  • Saw a nice demo where Streamlit apps can easily be built within the Snowflake platform and can be shared via MarketPlace

Hands-on-Labs: Automating Data Pipelines to Power your ML Journey

  • User guide
  • Quick Start Guide
  • Unique architecture as a Platform
    • Optimized Storage
      • Adaptive Caching
      • Zero Copy Clone
      • Time Travel
    • Elastic Performance engine
      • Scale up/Down
      • ELT
      • Data Science
    • Cloud Service
      • Software as a service
      • optimization
      • Management
      • transactions
      • Security and Governance
  • Fivetran
    • Founded in 2012
    • Made access to data reliable
    • Make access to data as simple and reliably
    • Fully managed, hybrid and self-hosted architecture
    • 400+ pre-built connectors
    • Connectors set up in give minutes
  • Differentiators
    • Automatic Data Updates
    • Automatic Schema Replication
    • Automated Recovery from Failure
    • Micro-batched architecture
    • Slowly Changing, Type 2 Diension Data
    • Extensibility beyond our 300+ sources
    • Efficient writes to destination to lower compute costs
  • OpenAI is the customer of Fivetran
    • Need to delete chat logs at customer request
    • Centralize chat data from Cosmos DB in enterprise data warehouse
    • Replication of all the data in snowflake databricks