Shane from Statalgo is doing the same thing that I am doing. Going to Python from R.  He has written a few posts on the transition

I find it very interesting that he has started using Python a year back and has mastered Numpy, Scipy, Pandas.

I think 2012 will be “PYTHON” year in my life. I will do a ton of deliberate practice in Python.

My target is 900 hours from March – Dec 2012 ., i.e 3 hours daily. Should be easily achievable if I am a bit disciplined

Need to learn Pandas

Python Job at Hedge Fund

We are looking for help to predict tomorrow’s stock returns.

The challenge is model selection in the presence of noisy data. The tools are ubuntu, python, cython, c, numpy, scipy, la, bottleneck, git.

A quantitative background and experience or interest in model selection, machine learning, and software development are a plus.

This is a full time position in Berkeley, California, two blocks from UC Berkeley.